Dealing with Infestations: Steps to Take When Faced with Pest Problems in Personal and Rental Homes

Unwanted guests in your home can take many forms, but few are as uninvited and as unwelcome as pests. Be it ants in your kitchen, mice in your basement, or termites in your walls, pests can cause significant discomfort and even damage to your property. This blog post outlines the steps you should take when dealing with pest infestations in personal and rental homes.

Step 1: Identify the Pest

The first step in addressing any pest problem is to identify the invader. Different pests require different treatment methods, so a correct identification is crucial. Look for signs like droppings, gnaw marks, or nests, and try to spot the pest itself if possible. Online resources or a local exterminator can help you confirm the pest’s identity.

Step 2: Assess the Extent of the Infestation

Once you’ve identified the pest, try to ascertain the extent of the infestation. This can involve checking common hiding spots, looking for additional signs of the pests, or noting their activity levels. A larger infestation typically requires more drastic action than a small, isolated problem.

Step 3: Notify the Relevant Parties

If you’re dealing with pests in a rental home, it’s crucial to notify your landlord or property manager as soon as you discover the problem. Most states require landlords to maintain rental properties in a habitable condition, which includes addressing pest infestations. Conversely, if you’re a landlord and discover a pest issue, you should inform your tenants and take immediate steps to address the problem.

Step 4: Call in the Professionals

While small, isolated pest problems can often be dealt with using DIY solutions, larger infestations generally require professional intervention. Pest control professionals have the expertise and equipment necessary to handle most infestations effectively and safely.

Step 5: Prepare for the Treatment

Before the exterminators arrive, you’ll need to prepare your home for treatment. This may involve cleaning up clutter, emptying cupboards, or even temporarily vacating the property, depending on the treatment method. Your pest control company should provide specific instructions based on your situation.

Step 6: Post-Treatment Follow-Up

After the initial treatment, you’ll need to monitor your home for signs of lingering pests. Many pest control companies offer follow-up inspections to ensure the treatment was effective. If you notice continued pest activity, contact your exterminator immediately for further action.

Step 7: Prevent Future Infestations

Once your current pest problem is under control, you should take steps to prevent future infestations. This might involve sealing up potential entry points, maintaining a clean living environment, or scheduling regular professional inspections. A pest control professional can provide personalized advice based on your home and the pests you’ve encountered.


Pest infestations can be a source of significant stress and discomfort. However, with prompt action, professional help, and appropriate preventative measures, they can be effectively managed and prevented. Whether you’re a homeowner or a tenant, understanding the steps to take when faced with a pest problem can help you maintain a comfortable, pest-free living environment.